Please donate:

The goal of this campaign is to give Svein the means to deliver urgently needed goods from Norway to Ukraine. The goods are donated and don’t need funding but Svein needs money to keep him doing what he can. So help us help Svein help Ukraine. We guarantee every buck is accounted for and put exclusively to this use. No ads, no Zuckerberg, no data mining or personal costs. We are all doing this for free. Ukraine needs courageous people that bring what is necessary.

DONATE via Paypal or via bankwire

Pirate Parties International
IBAN: CH63 0900 0000 8901 9371 7

Account Holder:
Pirate Parties International
BST-Avocats 4, boulevard des Tranchées
CH 1205 Genève, Switzerland

10€, 50€, everything is appreciated! We guarantee it is put to good use.



Aid delivered worth

+ 0

Days in

+ 0

Your donations to keep this operation a go:

Donors total


Total amount


Average donation


Want to make sure,
YOUR donation is accounted for?

Thank you for your help!

last update: 28.04.2022